Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results (LASER)

Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results (LASER)

Call for Participation

The Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results (LASER) Workshop will be held on Tuesday,
December 6, 2022, in conjunction with the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC).

The LASER workshop series focuses on learning from and improving cybersecurity experiment results. The
workshop strives to provide a highly interactive, collegial environment for discussing and learning from
experimental methodologies, execution, and results. Ultimately, the workshop seeks to foster a dramatic
change in the experimental paradigm for cybersecurity research, improving the overall quality and
reporting of practiced science.

The LASER workshop invites broad participation by the community, including (1) authors of accepted
papers from major cybersecurity conferences to present and discuss the experimental aspects of their
work, and (2) by others interested in contributing to and learning from such discussions and interaction.

Conference papers all too often must focus on research results and contain limited discussion of the
experimental aspects of the work (maybe a small section with a few paragraphs at the end of the paper).
LASER provides an opportunity to focus on and explore the experimental approaches and methodologies
used to obtain the research results.

The LASER workshop not only provides authors of accepted papers the opportunity to present and discuss
the experimental aspects of their work with other workshop participants, but also the option to write new
published papers that expand on the experimental aspects of their work.

Workshop Format

The workshop will be structured as a true “workshop” in the sense that it will focus on discussion and interaction around the topic of experimental methodologies, execution, and results with the goal of encouraging improvements in experimental science in cybersecurity research. Authors will lead the group in a discussion of the experimental aspects of their work. 

Specific areas of interest to LASER include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Research questions and/or hypotheses
  • Experimental methodologies used and/or developed
  • Experiment design
  • Use of simulation, emulation, virtualization, and/or physical testbeds
  • Use of specialized hardware including CPS and IoT devices
  • Modeling of human-behavior characteristics
  • Software tools used and/or developed to perform experimentation
  • Approaches to experiment validation, monitoring, and data collection
  • Datasets used and/or developed to perform experimentation
  • Measurements and metrics
  • Analytical techniques used and/or developed to evaluate experimental results

As a group, authors and other participants will discuss these areas and answer interesting questions such

  • Did you use experimentation artifacts borrowed from the community?
  • Did you attempt to replicate or reproduce results of earlier research as part of your work?
  • What can be learned from your methodology and your experience using your methodology?
  • What did you try that did not succeed before getting to the results you presented?
  • Did you produce any intermediate results including possible unsuccessful tests or experiments?

Presentations are expected to be interactive with a substantial amount of time devoted to questions and

Important Dates

12/06/22 LASER workshop @ ACSAC
02/06/22 Draft papers submitted
03/06/22 Notifications / feedback
04/06/22 Final papers submitted
06/06/22 Papers published

Important Links

LASER Workshop Registration - CLOSED

LASER Workshop at ACSAC 2022

LASER Workshop Home

Past Workshops

LASER Mailing List

Further Information

If you have questions or comments about LASER, or if you would like additional information about the workshop, contact us at: info@laser-workshop.org.

Join the LASER mailing list to stay informed of LASER news.